Kirchhoff Junction Rule

1. Kirchhoff Junction Rule

graph TD; A["1. Kirchhoff Junction Rule"]; B["Definition"]; C["Applications"]; D["Examples"]; E["Related Concepts"]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; B-->F["A junction, also known as a node, is a point where 3 or more conductors meet"]; B-->G["At any junction in an electrical circuit, the sum of currents flowing into that junction is equal to the sum of currents flowing out of that junction"]; C-->H["Used in analyzing complex electrical circuits"]; C-->I["Helps in determining the unknown current and voltage in any network"]; D-->J["Example 1"]; D-->K["Example 2"]; E-->L["Kirchhoff's Voltage Law"]; E-->M["Ohm's Law"];